Here are some organizations and people who deserve some acknowledgement and appreciation for the gifts they offer regarding healthy sexuality and healthy relationships. 


Ian Kerner Ph.D.  Dr. Kerner has a series of books on sexuality that I truly enjoyed.  They're filled with good and Fun information and are easy to read.  I like his website and links as a source for answers regarding sex and relationships.

Annie   Dr. sprinkle's been called a femminist revolutionary.  Her website is packed with interesting links, art, and essays.  Personally, I think she's an exceptional woman worth learning about.

Reid Mihalko   Reid is a sex and relationship educator and is often the life of the party.  I love his energy.  One of the clearest people I know. Just talking to him can be as good as having a massage. I love his "Steps" videos. Watch them!


info For teens

Scarleteen  The longet-running, most inclusive and comprehensive site for sexuality, sexual health and relationships information online.


Coaching and schools

 Your Sex Coach  Dr. Patti Britton, sology professor and co-founder of:

Sex Coach Institute (premier training site for sex coaching professionals worldwide), offers empowerment-based, sex positive coaching for men, women, and couples from all backgrounds.

Ms. Lavie's School   Founder and Head Mistress, Candessa Hadsall is a registered nurse, counselor, community organizer, and sexuality instructor with over 25 years experience in sexuality education and reproductive health care, mental health, women's issues, sexual assault, violence prevention and much more.


SWOP usa  Sex Workers Outreach Project: nationwide