What does it look like.
What does it look like.
First thing to consider is, are you coming for bodywork, to build a personal practice or as a part of your personal growth process? So, if you're interested in Lomi Lomi specifically or need to relax and want some bodywork, that's what your session will look like. We'll take some time to dialogue about past injuries and such. But the content of the session will be geared towards the chosen modality.
For combining healing touch and ceremony, the Hawaiians have it figured out! Sacred Lomi Lomi combines touch, breath and dance to truly cause change in both the giver and receiver (practitioner and client). What sets Sacred Lomi Lomi apart from simple massage or bodywork is the inclusion of "sacred space" and "shamanic" intent. HIstoricaly, it was an initiatory practice used with aims of helping young members of the tribe with finding their purpose in it. Why they're there. It was given by the Kahunas (Holy men) and the ceremony would have lasted hours. Today, a Lomi session is still very useful for creating "right alignment" with life. A very powerful tool for detoxification and relaxation too.
It integrates physical and energetic healing techniques with: flowing forearm movements, conscious breathwork, ritual footwork (called flying), a strong presence, the essence of Aloha, and the acknowledgement of sacred space. The session is done on a heated table in a heated room. Your body is covered in a way that allows for contact with the practitioner's long sweeping movements around the table, yet provides for privacy.
Sacred Lomi Lomi uses LOTS of oil. You may want to wear clothing you won't mind getting oily for your trip home just in case.
Take it easy for a while after your session. You may be parched, hungry and a little ungrounded. Drink some water and have a snack or meal if it helps. Rule of thumb is, "Sit before you stand. Stand before you walk. Walk before you drive." I want you to get home safely.
Schedule yourself some down time after your session. Take a couple hours to allow your body to integrate your experience. Then do something fun and physical: dance, go for a walk, swim, something slightly active that helps you embrace life and your “self”, your body, your spirit.
When you're ready, call to set up an appointment for another session.
Left: a tandem Lomi (two practitioners). Above: Tantsu
Thank you for considering a session
Thank you for considering a session